I'll be the 1st to admit that 2019 hasn't been the most productive year for me professionally. However, 2019 has been a huge year for change and self motivation. The last year has seen divorce, child custody dealings, as well as a huge move across the country. However, not all was bleak! We saw our best year in commission completion to date, as well as a published blog article with the Art Industry Alliance on Twitch streaming as a creator.

Things are finally starting to settle down for me personally, which has pushed me to refocus back onto what I love doing:
Designing and creating beautiful Quilts
So what Does that mean for 2020?
The ringing in of a new year stereo-typically brings with it new goals and resolutions for millions. I am no different in this tradition. 2020 for me really signifies a return to center, refocusing on creating and designing work that I can be proud of.

In the coming year expect to see more creative streams on Twitch, as well as more frequent posts from me across my media platforms!
Also keep an eye out on original designs for purchase as well as details on the next big Art Quilt!
A new year is always a great time to shed the old and embrace new challenges. I for one am excited to see where Art Quilts by Design is headed, and am looking forward to the ride, be it bumpy or smooth.