English Paper Piecing has got to be one of my all time favorite quilty thing to do and make. Honestly, you'll never catch me out without some epp in tow. Not only is it travel friendly, but small projects like these English paper pieced Christmas ornaments make the perfect quick quilt gift to whip up in a night or a bunch over a weekend. I personally will be sending these happy ornaments with my Christmas cards this year!
How to Make English Paper Pieced Christmas Ornaments
First things first, what you'll need to make 1 EPP (English paper piece) ornament:

(x14) 3/4in Hexagons {we've included a print out here so you can print your own onto cardstock and cut out if you do not have any on hand}
Fabric -amounts vary on if you're fussy cutting, using many different fabrics, or just two
Scissors & Snips
Glue Stick
Christmas Ribbon
Terms to know
EPP- English paper piecing
RS - right side of fabric
WS - wrong side of fabric
How to Baste & Sew EPP
Here are my tried and true steps for getting started with hexagon blossoms:
(you will make 2 blossoms per ornament)

For the ornaments, you can follow these instructions, or you can alter them with whichever basting technique you prefer (glue basters I'm looking at you!). For my ornaments I used the back loop basting method because I left my basting stitches in so when I removed the papers it kept a better form (and because I'm lazy lol).
Glue your papers to the wrong side of the fabric

Make sure to leave a fat 1/4 in around the papers when you cut them out!

Arrange your hexagons

Remember to sew around the center hexagon first. This helps keep all the sides matching up.

With both Hexagon Blossoms complete, put them RS together and sew along the outside. Leave the top open for turning the ornament inside right and attaching the hanging ribbon.
(follow along the red arrows)

Now it's time to remove the papers!!

Turn inside right through the opening you left.
Use the chop stick to gently push the corners out.

Cut your ribbon to a length you desire then pin it in place so the ends are inside the end that was left open. Using your sewing machine run a straight stitch 1/8 in from the edge.
Finish your ornament by hand sewing up the two remaining open sides

And there you have it! A perfectly adorable Christmas ornament that anyone would love to have hanging on their tree.

Give fussy cutting a try
Looking to add some more pizzaz to your ornaments? Why not give fussy cutting a try? Read here to see how you can use stripes in your EPP. By repeating the same pattern with each hexagon you can get all sorts of different looks.

Repeating shapes can make your Ornament dynamic

Or using one focal image to draw attention to it or use words to convey Christmas wishes
Have you made Christmas ornaments before? Let me know which ornament is your favorite and why it's the bunny butts lol.
Happy Stitching & Happy Ho ho ho to you
