... with a Tyrant Toddler
In an ideal world, we'd all have unlimited time at our sewing machines with a never-ending supply of our favorite fabric. For a lucky few, this is already the reality they live in. The rest of us however, have jobs to juggle, families to feed, and a thousand other time consuming tasks to manage before we can even think of stepping foot into our studios.

I am not one of the lucky few. Don't get me wrong, I've been blessed with two beautiful kids, a happy and healthy family, and the ability to run a business that just happens to be my passion. The draw back? My youngest is a 2 year old tyrant. That's not to say that he isn't adorable, and can be super sweet. I'm just saying he's a stubborn lil guy like his momma with a strong set of screaming lungs. Even as I attempted to write this Bit's n Bob's blog entry, my Jr. Executive Assistant has been glued to my lap. He insists on micro-managing every action, making sure to point at every word and attempts to swipe all of my good pens. Not to mention how often he tries to steal my coffee!! (This is why coffee is for adults!)
Making the most of our time
The only bit of reprieve I manage to have, like most working from home parents, is the short moment that is nap time. Sadly, however, even that two hour break is hardly enough time to get anything done around the studio. What doesn't get done during nap time is saved for after kids bed time. One trick I have picked up is having a small Tupperware container filled with goodies at the ready. I always make sure to have crayons, coloring books, and seasonal little fun bits. For example, for Halloween I put in spider rings. My lil guy was so surprised and made the box feel like something new and special. And the seasonal nic-nacks do not need to be expensive, just simple dollar store items will work. It never fails in giving me a few moments of peace and the ability to get some much needed sewing in.
Another way that I have been able to utilize more of my time for sewing, is pivoting what sort of projects that I'm working on. Specifically speaking, I've been making more projects using English Paper Piecing techniques. These hand sewing type of projects do take longer overall

to sew together and complete, but what they lack in speed, they make up in portability. I cannot express enough how great it is to have a sewing project that I can just pick up and go. Going to the park? I've got something to sew. Afterschool activities? I've got something to sew! Honestly, I have found that having hand sewing like English paper piecing to be hugely therapeutic. Not to mention a great way to keep my anxiety down by keeping my hands busy.
Other hand projects that maximize your sew time:
Embroidery (add that extra texture to any Quilty project!)
Hand Quilting
Hand sewing quilt binding
Find what works best for you. Do you need a travel project for long drives or airplane flights? Maybe just a small bedside project to help you unwind after a long day. Give these projects a try and see if you feel better getting more sew time into your day. What are some ways you incorporate more sewing into your day? Have any toddler distractions you'd like to share? Please leave a comment! I'd love to have more tricks up my sleeves.
Happy Stitching!