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So You want to be a Content Creator?

A Month of Creative Twitch Streaming

by Sondrasa

Can you believe we're through January? Have you kept up with your New Year's Resolution? I personally decided to go anti-resolution this year. They always feel like they are meant to be broken two weeks into a new year. Instead, this year I have set several goals that I wanted to achieve both personally, and professionally.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "But, Sondrasa, how is a goal any different than a New Years resolution?" Well, isn't. The big difference to me, is the frame of mind the two different labels put you in. For me personally, thinking of my goal feels more permanent and meaningful then a resolution I make year after year that barely lasts the month.

With that in mind, this is how my Goals for 2022 are going thus far~

Don't Dream it, Stream it!

One of our biggest goals for this year has been putting content creation, both in the form of live streaming and video format, at our forefront. If you ask anyone in the streaming world, the biggest piece of advice you'll get is "Be Consistent!" Our Goal for this year has been to stream three times a week; Monday, Wednesdays, and Friday. So far I've managed to stream a measly 9 times out of the potential 13 days we could have in January. Our first stream of the year on twitch was a glorious catastrophe! Between issues with the mic system and the headset being faulty, it was murphy's law in motion.

With the first stream out of the way, we were able to quickly bounce back. We replaced the faulty equipment and got back on that streaming "horse". The rest of this month's streams have been very productive and downright enjoyable. It's been wonderful being able to reconnect with the Quilty Crew community and catching up with everything you've all been up to. We were even able to finish several stream projects such as this adorable New Year's Eevee.

We're also deep into our next stream project, a Dungeon's and Dragon's inspired quilt that I'm calling "Critical D20". Also I'm happy to note that we'll be starting subscriber hexies back up again this year since so many of the Quilty Crew have come out in such massive support of the channel. For those who are unfamiliar, Subscriber Hexies are English paper pieced hexagons that are added to a sub's central hexagon for each month they are subscribe to the twitch channel. Different tier levels of the sub will net the subscriber a different number of hexagons per month.

Tier 1- one hexagon

Tier 2- 3 hexagons

Tier 3- 5 hexagons

At the end of the year we'll combine them all into one massive Twitch Sub Quilt!

Community makes the world go round

I firmly believe that a creator is only as good as their community around them. Here at AQD, we're determined to build a community that is not only fun, but also kind, thoughtful, and light hearted. We have seen what a bad community can do to not only the morale of viewers, but the mental impact it can have on the content creator themselves. That's why another major goal this year will be focused around the growth of our community: the Quilty Crew. As well as nurturing this community into a force for good in both the streaming community and quilting world.

The main focus for community growth will be through our Discord server. It is well known that many quilter communities center around Facebook and their groups feature. However, I've always felt that FB lacks that closeness that a Discord server can offer between the group and the creator. Currently the Quilty Crew discord is a small, intimate group. As the year progresses and the discord grows, we'll start to host game nights, sew nights, and sew-alongs that are exclusive to community members.

If you are not yet a member of the Quilty Crew Discord,

make sure to click the button below to join

Patterns, Patterns everywhere

Last, but not least I'd like to talk about Art Quilts by design's goal for creating quilt patterns. This goal was touched on in January's blog post, but I'd like to bring it up briefly once more.

This year marks a huge transition for AQD from a commission based company to a pattern design one. I couldn't be more excited for this chance to share all of the beautiful, fantastical, and downright nerdy quilts that I've got up my selves. Though we may be a few months away from a full launch of the sellable patterns. I have a special free pattern that I've put together as a thankyou to all of the support we've been shown.

I'm calling it Hello Coffee!

This is pattern is designed to be a simple and quick pattern to give a taste of what's to come.

I couldn't be happier with how it turned out! It combines all of my loves into one. My love of coffee (and all hot beverages!). My adoration of all things cute/kawaii. As well as a simple introduction to raw edge applique.

To get the free pattern, just sign up for our Newsletter (you will see a "sign up" button in the upper right hand corner) and you'll be directed to a page with the downloadable pattern.

One month down, the future to go

And with that, our month recap is done. We've got a month of streams under our belt. The discord community is growing. We even have our first pattern released out into the world! I really couldn't ask for a better start to 2022. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: I refuse to let 2022 be a 2020 2.0. Being a Content creator is never easy. But with consistent determination, anything is attainable.

I'm curious though, are New Year's Resolutions so 1900's? What is one goal you've set for yourself that you're still working on. Let me know in the comments below.

You can catch me streaming

live on Twitch Monday's,

Wednesday's, & Friday's

Keep up to date with Art Quilt by designs

& get behind the scenes access over on our Facebook page

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